the beginning there was darkness and silence. Out of the darkness and silence
there was a big multicoloured flash. A flash of blues, yellows, reds, greens
and even colours you can’t imagine.
billions of years the multicoloured ball of colours split. The blue became the
sky and the sea; the green became the fields and the forests; the brown became
the earth and the mountains; the white became the snow and the ice; the yellow
became the sunshine and the sand; and the red was kept for very special things
like reindeers’s noses and robin’s
first men and women were created from colours, some brown; some white; some
pink; some a beautiful blend creating beautiful people. Little droplets of
colour created babies. Animals were also
created, grey for elephants; orange and gold for tigers and lions; brown and
white for monkeys; black and white for zebras and penguins; mulitcoloured birds
and fishes.
colour was perfectly placed, there was no pink elephants; no green people; no
red snow; no blue sun or yellow moon. A beautiful world had been created.
(c) Adam Bojelian 2012