Tuesday, 3 December 2019

AdsTalk20 Bookings Are Now Open

Click here to book your free place for the
5th Adam Bojelian Memorial Talk

This event has been postponed due to COVID-19 and will be held as soon as possible. Further details will be announced both here and on twitter @4AdsthePoet

Friday, 10 May 2019

Adam’s blog ‘What Does Good Care Look Like’ closes this must listen to podcast from the Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health on sepsis and children with complex health needs.

Please listen to it all, but Adam features from 38 minutes


Monday, 15 April 2019

Dr Carmen Soto’s Adam Bojelian Memorial Talk

Thank you Dr Carmen Soto for giving the 4th Adam Bojelian Memorial Talk
on 29th March 2019

‘Breaking the bubble - working in partnership with children and families’.

Carmen’s Talk can be viewed here: LINK

Thank you Kath Evans for chairing; NHS Confederation, NHS Employers and Leeds Horizon for hosting & everyone who participated in person or on line.

Friday, 18 January 2019

Booking is now open to hear @gourmetpenguin give #AdsTalk19

“Breaking the bubble: working in partnership with children and families"

Chaired by @KathEvans2 @HorizonLeeds 12-3pm 29/3

All welcome  

Please spread the word among your colleagues & networks