Tuesday, 12 May 2015

A Celebration of Adam's Life in words, music and prayer was held on Saturday 11th April 2015
at St. Mary's Church, Tadcaster, North Yorkshire, UK.

On a beautiful spring days family and friends gathered from around the UK and further afield to hear recollections of Adam and to hear Adam's words read and music played beautifully by his family and friends. Thank you to everyone who came and everyone who took part. Thank you also to Sugi and Mark for making the beautiful film (available above) of the event.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

A Gift From Adam

This poem was found amongst Adam’s school work after his death.  From the handwriting of the assistant it must have been written in 2010/11.

It is clearly unfinished, for example, Adam had not added punctuation, apart from two commas, which he tended to add last to his poems.  It is a wonderful gift to find from Adam.


Winter is
Frost on my window pane like an artist’s stroke
Shimmering it sparkles with the changing light
Icicles clinging from the roofs and doorways
People slipping and sliding balancing precariously
Along winding streets and lanes

It is a winter tapestry
Snow covered hills
A frozen lake that a gliding swan swims on

It is a glittering star
A silver rocket
Landing on the moon

Shivering freezing sneezing
Fingers and toes
Face red
Nose running

Hats on heads
Collars turned up
People wrapped up
Thick socks, wellies, furry boots

Winter is a frosty landscape
A colourless time
Windows frosted over
Fields covered in snow
All is white

© Adam Bojelian